Percorso:ANSA > Nuova Europa > Croatia > President Mattarella, horror of foibe affects our conscience

President Mattarella, horror of foibe affects our conscience

'Crimes against humanity didn't stop with the Liberation.'

10 February, 12:55
(ANSA) - ROME, 10 FEB - "The suffering, the mourning, the displacement, the exodus to which tens of thousands of families were forced in the areas of the eastern border, of Istria, of Rijeka, of the Dalmatian coasts, are written with an indelible sign," said Italy's President Sergio Mattarella, on the occasion of the Remembrance Day. "The crimes against humanity unleashed in that conflict - added the Head of State - did not end with the liberation from Nazi-fascism, but continued in the persecution and violence perpetrated by another authoritarian regime, the communist one. The horror of the foibe (natural sinkholes, ed.) affects our conscience." (ANSA).

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